Making Our Mark: School Library Success Stories

Canadian School Libraries is pleased to proclaim Monday October 25, 2021 as Canadian School Library Day / Journée nationale des bibliothèques scolaires canadiennes (CSLD/JNBSC).
CSLD celebrates the role of school libraries as part of Canadian Library Month and International School Library Month. CSLD provides an opportunity to celebrate the unique contribution of school libraries to student success and well-being.
The theme of CSLD 2021 is Making Our Mark: School Library Success Stories.
We know that school libraries across the country are still dealing with the challenges and realities of supporting students and teachers during pandemic restrictions. Still, we know that you are doing great work and this special day provides a welcome opportunity to highlight the unique contributions of the school library and school library professionals as you reboot and make your mark to support your school community.
Share Success Stories on Canadian School Library Day
How are you, as school library professionals, making your mark as you continue to address the challenges of this pandemic?
- How are you making readers and thinkers and doers?
- How are you making research and inquiry a focus for your school community?
- How are you making time for attention to student and staff well-being?
- How are you engaging learners in physical and virtual maker thinking and activities?
However you are making your mark, we want the world to hear.
- Download and share CSLD/JNBSC 2021 graphics and share them widely, in school newsletters and on your website.
- Use the CSL resource Leverage Your LLC: Pandemic Partner for Learning. Lots of ideas here, and a poster to download and share!
- Share your celebrations with the district / province / country / world through social media using the hashtag #CSLD2021.

CSLD/JNBSC also marks the first day of Media Literacy Week 2021
Media Literacy Week (MLW) runs from October 25–30, 2021. Media Literacy Week is an annual event promoting digital and media literacy across Canada. Schools, libraries, museums and community groups organize events and activities throughout the week.
In 2021 each of the first five days of MLW will highlight one of five media literacy themes – use, understand, engage, access and verify. Canadian School Libraries collaborates with MediaSmarts to support Media Literacy Week. Help us to spread the word with the hashtag #MediaLitWk.