Diana Maliszewski is a teacher-librarian at Agnes MacPhail Public School, a prolific presenter, former editor of The Teaching Librarian and course instructor for the Teacher-Librarian Additional Qualification at both York and Queen’s Universities. Internationally, she represents Canada with the North American and European chapter of UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy Alliance, and as vice-president for the Association for Media Literacy (AML).
Diana Maliszewski’s contributions to the advancement of teacher librarians includes…
…contributing to the growth and development of teacher librarians not only in Ontario, but across the country. She is tireless in her dedication and commitment to the growth and development of school libraries and devotes a great deal of her time toward mentorship. Diana has contributed more to the success of teacher librarians and school libraries over the course of her career than anyone I know. She has been personally instrumental in my growth as a librarian and she is someone I look up to and aspire to be like professionally and personally. – Jonelle St. Aubyn, Teacher-Librarian, Louise Arbour Secondary School, Peel District School Board
Canadian School Libraries is delighted to honour Diana Maliszewski as a 2025 recipient of the Angela Thacker Memorial Award.
What is the Angela Thacker Memorial Award?
The Angela Thacker Memorial Award has been established in memory of Angela Thacker, teacher-librarian, library coordinator, and school library colleague, mentor, leader and advocate who served the Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada (ATLC) and the Canada School Library Association (CSLA) in many capacities. This award honours teacher-librarians who have made contributions to the profession through publications, productions or professional development activities that deal with topics relevant to teacher-librarianship and/or school library learning commons.
To learn more visit Angela Thacker Award