Canadian School Libraries is very pleased to announce the launch of The Great Canadian Book Project. This wonderful collection of videos and lesson plans positions Canadian books for young people as valuable tools for teachers to engage with students. Canadian School Libraries partnered with TEACH Magazine and Bibliovideo to create this amazing resource, with funding from the Canada Book Fund.
The project introduces students from Kindergarten right through to Grade 12 to a wide range of Canadian-authored books related to three themes: Student Well-Being, Indigenous Voices, and Global Issues. There are 8 wonderful short videos where members of the CSL writing team – teacher-librarians and other educators from across the country, introduce the books. The videos also introduce the themes, and make connections to learning opportunities.

Each of the 23 lesson plans identify a learning focus and featured books. Creative learning provocations engage students in rich reading activities, extensions for making and tinkering, and culminating ideas for reflection and making connections.
All of the lessons suggest a range of adaptations for different learning environments. They also suggest more books based on the lesson’s theme.
Not only does this project serve to introduce a wide range of Canadian books, it highlights the role of school libraries in bringing those books to teachers and students, with great collections and co-teaching opportunities.
Canadian School Libraries assembled a wonderful team of writers from across the country. We extend out thanks to all of the contributors for their wonderful work.
Lead Writers and Steering Committee Members:
Kate Johnson-McGregor, Teacher-librarian (Secondary), Grand Erie DSB, ON
Beth Lyons, Teacher-librarian (Elementary), Peel DSB, ON
Melanie Mulcaster, Instructional Coordinator – Library, Peel DSB, ON
Rebeca Rubio, Coordinator – Libraries & Information Services, Richmond School District No.38, BC
Contributing Writers:
Derek Acorn, Teacher-librarian (Elementary), Louis Riel SD, MB
Monica Berra, Principal, Strategic Plan & Data Management Prince George SD57, BC
Jessica Eguia, K-7 Curriculum Implementation Consultant, SD38, BC
Carlo Fusco, Teacher-librarian (Secondary), Waterloo Region DSB, ON
Rabia Khokhar, Teacher (Elementary), Toronto DSB & equity consultant at Rabia Teaches
Kim Kirk, Indigenous Education Leader, Rainy River DSB, ON
Peggy Lunn, Teacher-librarian (Elementary), SD73, BC
Jonelle St. Aubyn, Teacher-librarian (Secondary), Peel DSB, ON
Canadian School Libraries:
Anita Brooks Kirkland: Project Coordinator
Carol Koechlin: Writing Coordinator
Connect to The Great Canadian Book Project

Our partners, TEACH Magazine and Bibliovideo, are planning several special events and promotions to celebrate the launch of The Great Canadian Book Project. Be sure to check on social media for updates and opportunities!

@CdnSchoolLibrar / @teachmag / @bibliovideo