Monday October 22 is Canadian School Library Day / Journée nationale des bibliothèques scolaires
CSL applauds the brilliant work that school libraries accomplish every single day across Canada. We invite everyone to shine a light on how learning in the Library Learning Commons is making a difference in their school on Monday October 22 and capture and share the joy of Reading – Researching – Browsing – Playing – Making – Tinkering – Creating – Designing.
Ideas For You To Build On:
- Download the Canadian School Library Day badge. Use it in your website, posters, bookmarks and communications.
- Visit the CSL Showcase and share with your school learning community. Create your own showcase video.
- Print and share CSL Postcards to inform others of national school libraries work. Make use of graphics and badges on the CSL website to customize your own information postcards.
- Print the Excellent School Libraries – Learning for the Future PDF handout and share with staff and parents. Design your own.
- Print the Administrators Handout PDF and share with school leaders. Create a handout specific to your school goals.
- Find out how Canadian School Library Day 2017 was celebrated last year right across the country. Build on those ideas.
However you and your students and teachers decide to celebrate have fun!
Lastly – Celebrate and share your shift stories with us on social media.
Canadian School Libraries @CdnSchoolLibrar
Leading Learning / L’Apprentissage en tête @CSL_Learning
CSL Facebook Group
Use the hashtag #CSLDay2018