The Canadian Federation of Library Associations/ La Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA–FCAB) has proclaimed October as Canadian Library Month, an annual celebration of libraries, library workers and the services they provide to their users. The proclamation emphasizes the essential part that libraries play in democratic access to knowledge and discovery in Canadian communities, including schools.
October is also International School Library Month (ISLM), an annual celebration of school libraries worldwide. The 2020 theme for ISLM is “Finding Your Way to Good Health and Well Being”. It is based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #3, “Good Health and Well Being”. This year the International Association of School Librarianship invites participants to think about and celebrate the link between books, reading, school libraries, good health and well being.

Canadian School Library Day is on Monday October 26, 2020
Canadian School Libraries is pleased to proclaim Monday October 26 as Canadian School Library Day / Journée nationale des bibliothèques scolaires canadiennes (CSLD/JNBSC). CSLD celebrates the role of school libraries as part of Canadian Library Month and International School Library Month. CSLD provides an opportunity to celebrate the unique contribution of school libraries to student success and well-being.
The theme of CSLD 2020 is A Day in the Library Learning Commons. That day will look quite different this year during the pandemic than it ever has before. School library professionals across the country are rising to the challenge of supporting all learners in inventive new ways. CSLD provides a great opportunity to highlight the unique contribution of the school library and school library professionals.
Celebrate Canadian School Library Day
How are school library professionals supporting learning during the pandemic? Perhaps you are going on the road to classrooms with your curated collection on wheels. You may have been very busy promoting your virtual collection and helping teachers find other online resources. Perhaps you have set up a school virtual library learning commons website to engage students with reading, inquiry and making. Perhaps you are connecting with classes online, with read-alouds or research lessons. You may be holding outdoor inquiry walks, or hosting author visits.
Whatever you are trying out, we want the world to hear.
- Download and share the CSLD / JNBSC 2020 poster (below) and badge (above) and share them widely, in school newsletters and on the website.
- Use the CSL resource Leverage Your LLC: Pandemic Partner for Learning. Lots of ideas here, and a poster to download and share!
- Share your celebrations with the district / province / country / world through social media using the hashtag #CSLD2020

CSL Statement on the Role of School Libraries During the Pandemic
Énoncé sur le rôle des bibliothèques scolaires en temps de pandémie
Issued by the CSL Board of Directors on September 23, 2020