The Winter 2023 edition of Canadian School Libraries Journal is now live! We are pleased to present the fresh vision and brave new initiatives from school library professionals across the country.
We feature an important article about the importance of offering rich non-fiction collections for today’s readers. The Truth About Non-Fiction, by Iniyal Inparjah, Mishelle Pitter-Adlam, and Melanie Mulcaster, remind us that “an essential part of learning is fed with the kind of knowledge contained only in non-fiction texts.” We are very pleased to be able to pair this important article with reviews of great non-fiction titles for kids and teens from the Association of Canadian Publishers Top Grade editorial coordinator, Spencer Miller.

We feature too Dr. David Loertscher’s new website called ALiVE Library. Dr. Loertscher proclaims that, “Canada has led the world in the vision of the role the school library and learning commons can play in the education of successful and capable young learners.” In complimentary articles we feature TMC7 papers by Alanna King & Tim King, and by Beth Lyons, with their video conversations for ALiVE Library with Dr. Loertscher.
In this issue we celebrate the work of many other school library professionals on the move. What about supporting a tuck shop in the library learning commons? How can makerspace and digital media production tools help give students voice, agency and ownership? How do we support student well-being and school safety? We also have wonderful accounts of two recent conferences, and a special feature about school libraries in the United Kingdom by the chief executive of their School Library Association.

We also remind you to follow the wonderful Read Into This podcast, featuring an interview with author Kevin Sylvester, and features on multilingual learners and using mentor texts.
It’s another great issue! Please share it with your colleagues, and spread the word about school libraries in Canada, on the move!